Offical Name: The Principality of Andorra
Capital: Andorra la Vella
Andorra is a small. landlocked country in south eastern europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountian range and bordered by Spain and France. With an area of 108.7 square miles, it is the sixth smallest country in europe and also the largest of the european microstates.
Population: 78,360 (2012 estimate)
Offical Language(s): Catalan
Currency: Euro
Flag: The andorran flag has three verical bars blue, yellow,and red. In the middle of the yellow bar is the andorran call of arms. While at first the three bars all look to be the same width, the yellow one is slightly bigger. The design is realated to the flags of France and Spain the two countries which protect the independence of the small county. The three bars are similar to thoose that are on the french flag, the blue and red can also be seen on the french flag,red and yellow are also two of the main colors of the Spainish flag.